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Copts Celebrate First Mass in New Church

Category: Egypt | Friday, 27 July 2018 10:50

After seven years of closure of their old church by local authorities due to ‘security reasons’, the Coptic community in the Egyptian village of Kom el – Loufy celebrated the completion of the first phase of building their new church, the Church of Virgin Mary and Martyr Aban, by holding their first ever Mass on Sunday.

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Oman’s unique role in balancing power in the Middle East

Category: Oman | Wednesday, 25 July 2018 12:29

If the Strait of Hormuz is the door to the Persian Gulf, controlling it means assuming geographic, economic and political power through controlling two-thirds of global oil traffic. Iraq, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait all aim to control the Strait in front of Muscat, the capital of Oman.

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Rebuilding Christian Sites Begins in Syria

Category: Syria | Tuesday, 24 July 2018 12:08

The Russian Orthodox Church and the Vatican have forged a partnership to rebuild Christian sites in war-torn Syria. Following a meeting between Pope Francis and the Eastern Patriarchs in Bari, Italy on July 7, 2018, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk (Secretary of State) said the church leaders agreed to implement a plan on how to reconstruct Christian churches and monasteries, reports Russian News Agency TASS.

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Turkmens see chance to expand influence in Kirkuk

Category: Iraq | Tuesday, 24 July 2018 11:51

The Turkmens of ethnically diverse Kirkuk province in Iraq finally feel that they are coming into their own, sensing a new beginning after being subjected to Arabization policies under President Saddam Hussein's regime and then to Kurdish domination after he was toppled in 2003. The tide turned after Baghdad rejected the September 2017 Kurdish independence referendum and forcibly reclaimed Kirkuk from the Kurds the following month.

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Christians in the Middle East: a Guide

Category: Middle East | Tuesday, 24 July 2018 11:13

About 15 million Christians, among the native and immigrant faithful, are estimated to live in the Middle East today. In some countries, they are in sharp decline (Iraq and Syria), if not on the verge of disappearing – in others they face growing difficulties, while they are increasing in the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, mainly due to the arrival of Asian and European workers.

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Living as a Jew in Jordan

Category: Jordan | Thursday, 19 July 2018 12:14

Four Jewish-American students spoke to the Magazine about their time in Jordan.

When E.’s plane from Amman touched down in Rome, she started to cry. After spending a semester studying abroad in Jordan, E., in town to visit friends, felt she could safely put on her Star of David necklace and her prized “If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem” necklace.

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Israel adopts divisive Jewish nation-state law

Category: Israel | Thursday, 19 July 2018 11:47

Palestinian and left-wing lawmakers warn the Nation-State law will enshrine 'Jewish supremacy' in Israel. Israel passed a law on Thursday to declare that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country, something members of the Arab minority called racist and verging on apartheid.

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