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  • Journal of Palestine Studies

    Το παλαιότερο αγγλικό περιοδικό αφιερωμένο στο παλαιστινιακό ζήτημα και την Αραβο-ισραηλινή διαμάχη.

  • Haaretz

    Η Haaretz παρέχει εκτεταμένη και εις βάθος ειδησεογραφική κάλυψη του Ισραήλ, του εβραϊκού κόσμου και της Μέσης Ανατολής.

  • Ynet News

    Το Ynetnews αποτελεί την αγγλική έκδοση του Ynet, της μεγαλύτερης ειδησεογραφικής ιστοσελίδας του Ισραήλ.

  • Attacking churches in Palestine: An Israeli policy since 1948

    Israeli documents have revealed that the Israeli army deliberately adopted a policy based on the destruction, vandalism and harm of the sanctity of churches in Palestine, during and after the 1948 war. An Israeli book, which will be published next month, explains how the Israeli army carried out seizure and destruction operations against churches located in the Palestinian cities, towns and villages the army took control off after expelling their people.

  • +972 Magazine

    To +972 ειναι ένα διαδικτυακό περιοδικό, δημιουργημένο από μια ομάδα δημοσιογράφων, bloggers και φωτογράφων, με στόχο την παροχή άμεσου ρεπορτάζ και αναλύσεων από το Ισραήλ και την Παλαιστίνη.

  • B'Tselem

    Το Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories ιδρύθηκε το 1989. Στόχος του η καταγραφή και δημοσίευση παραβιάσεων ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στα κατεχόμενα Παλαιστινιακά εδάφη, και να συνεισφέρει στη δημιουργία μιας κουλτούρας σεβασμού και προώθησης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στο Ισραήλ.

  • Adalah: Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

    Το Adalah είναι μια ανεξάρτητη οργάνωση ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και νομικό κέντρο. Ιδρύθηκε το 1996, και στόχο της έχει την προστασία και προώθηση των διακιωμάτων των Αράβων Παλιστινίων πολιτών του Ισραήλ.

  • Palestinian Bible Society

    H Palestinian Bible Society αποτελεί μια διαθρησκειακή χριστιανική οργάνωση, αφοσιωμένη στην υπηρεσία των Χριστιανών Παλαιστινίων στην Ιερουσαλήμ, τη Δυτική Όχθη και τη Λωρίδα της Γάζας.

  • Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian Relations

    Το JCJCR ασχολείται με όλες τις πτυχές της συνύπαρξης Εβραίων και Χριστιανών στους Άγιους Τόπους σήμερα. Ιδρυθηκε με στόχο να ανταποκριθεί στις προκλήσεις αυτής της μοναδικής και πολύπλοκης συνύπαρξης.

  • To be Christian in Gaza: Interview with Fr Mario da Silva

    Interview with the Parish priest of the Holy Family in Gaza, Fr Mario de Silva, who replaced Fr George Jorge Hernandez.

  • As Christmas Looms, Gaza's Fading Christian Community Eyes Life Outside Besieged Palestinian Territory

    Hundreds of Christian Palestinians have received rare, temporary permission to travel outside the besieged Gaza Strip this holiday season, and for many, a permit to leave might be their ticket to a new life. While most will spend Christmas with relatives in the West Bank, Israel or abroad, before returning home, some will also leave Gaza for good in something of an exodus.

  • Pope Calls for Israel-Palestinian Peace in Christmas Eve Mass

    'Tensions and violence persist' in land where Jesus walked, says Pope Francis in speech calling for peace around the world.

  • The Global Agreement Holy See-Palestine goes into effect

    Palestine – This historical bilateral agreement concerns the presence and activity of the Catholic Church in Palestine. It went into effect on Saturday January 2nd, 2016.

  • At the Jordan River, rebirth in water and Spirit

    On Sunday, January 10, the Franciscans of the Custody went to Jericho to commemorate Christ's baptism. The Franciscans, led by the Custos, Br. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, as well as pilgrims, first made their way to the small Latin parish of the Good Shepherd. There, the Custos was welcomed by local authorities and various representatives of the Spanish, Italian, French and Belgian consulates.

  • And then there were none

    Fed up and fearful, Christians are leaving the Middle East.

    Far from spreading cheer this holiday season, Pope Francis has been in a Grinch-like mood. “There will be lights, parties, Christmas trees and Nativity scenes,” he said in late November. “It’s all a charade.” As the Vatican unveiled its own giant spruce, he sounded downright depressed: “We should ask for the grace to weep for this world, which does not recognise the path to peace.”

  • It’s All About Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade

    Jerusalem’s holy sites are being transformed from a religious symbol into a national symbol and a protected value. The current wave of violence sweeping Israel and Palestine in the last days wouldn’t have erupted if not for the current tensions around the Temple Mount (al-Haram al-Sharif).

  • Israeli land grab threatens Palestinian church

    RAMALLAH, West Bank — Israel is continuing to annex Christian church endowments in Palestine, both covertly and blatantly. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon recently approved the annexation of the Beit al-Baraka church compound to the Gush Etzion settlements established on Palestinian territories south of the West Bank, according to a Jan. 6 Haaretz report.

  • Palestinian Authority objects to Israel's Western Wall plans

    The Palestinian Authority will not permit Israel to change the entrance to the Temple Mount in order to facilitate the building of an egalitarian prayer area near the Western Wall, PA Religious Affairs Minister Mahmoud Habbash told The Jerusalem Post in Ramallah on Thursday morning.

  • Israeli Supreme Court dismisses latest petitions in the Cremisan case

    The Supreme Court of Israel dismissed the latest petitions in the Cremisan case, submitted by the Salesian Sisters Convent, represented by the Society of St. Yves – Catholic Center for Human Rights, and the Beit Jala Municipality and landowners, represented by advocate Ghayyath Nasser.

  • There's no alternative: help Israel and Palestine seek peace, archbishop tells UN

    Peace was the focus of the Holy See's representative in a recent speech to the United Nations, where he renewed calls to support negotiations between Israel and Palestine and between the warring factions in Syria.

  • Gazans explore Sufism

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Every Friday afternoon people flock to a small mosque in one of the alleys in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City. They are there not only to perform the five daily prayers, but to chant hymns in what is known as al-Hadrat among Sufis. This is what sets this mosque apart from the rest of the mosques in the Gaza Strip, not to mention the sign hung on its mihrab (prayer niche) indicating that it is affiliated with the ...