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  • Journal of Palestine Studies

    The oldest English journal devoted on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

  • The Times of Israel

    The Times of Israel is a Jerusalem-based online newspaper founded in 2012 to document developments in Israel, the Middle East and around the Jewish world.

  • Haaretz

    Haaretz provides extensive and in-depth coverage of Israel, the Jewish World and the Middle East.

  • Ynet News

    Ynetnews is the English-language edition of Ynet, Israel's largest and most popular news and content website.

  • +972 Magazine

    +972 Magazine is a blog-based web magazine that is jointly owned by a group of journalists, bloggers and photographers whose goal is to provide fresh, original, on-the-ground reporting and analysis of events in Israel and Palestine.

  • B'Tselem

    The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was established in February 1989. It endeavors to document and report human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, and help create a human rights culture in Israel.

  • Adalah: Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

    Adalah is an independent human rights organization and legal center. Established in November 1996, it works to promote and defend the rights of Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel.

  • MENA Minorities

    News and Analysis of Assyrian and Assyrian Related Issues Worldwide.

  • The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem

    The Diocese of Jerusalem covers five countries and is home to almost thirty parishes, and it is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

  • Armenian Apostolic Patriarchate of Jerusalem

    The Armenian Apostolic Patriarchate of Jerusalem official website.

  • Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian Relations

    JCJCR is concerned with all aspects of the encounter of Jews and Christians in the Holy Land today. It was established to respond to the challenges of this unique and complex encounter.

  • Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

    The official website of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

  • Maronite Patriarchal Exarchate of Jerusalem

    The official website of the MAornite Patriarchal Exarchate of Jerusalem.

  • Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

    The official website of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

  • Rubin Center Research in International Affairs

    The Rubin Center produces up-to-date, accurate analysis and reporting on modern Middle East affairs, using primary sources and exclusive on-the-ground contacts throughout the region. Rubin Center researchers regularly visit the region, witnessing developments first-hand. In addition to its frontline reporting, the Rubin Center offers consultancy services to government, news media, and academic institutions.

  • Lebanon's last synagogue

    BEIRUT — Tucked away in Wadi Abu Jamil, a neighborhood near downtown Beirut, is the only standing Jewish synagogue in Lebanon, and its renovation is almost finished.

  • ‘Price Tag’ Attacks and Jewish Extremism

    The killing of a Palestinian infant in an arson attack and of an Israeli youth at a gay pride march highlight the threat of Jewish extremism to Israel's national security. Such attacks are not a new phenomenon.

  • Jerusalem Copts hope new bishop brings renewed support

    Members of Jerusalem's small Coptic Christian community were thoroughly surprised when the leader of the worldwide Coptic Orthodox Church broke a papal-imposed boycott and visited them. The arrival of Pope Tawadros II followed the death of Bishop Anba Abraham, the longtime spiritual leader of the Coptic church in Jerusalem and Palestine. The pope officiated at the funeral service held Nov. 28 in Jerusalem, where the bishop had requested to be buried.

  • Jewish leader demands expulsion of 'Christian vampires'

    The leader of a right-wing Jewish group has called for a ban on Christmas in Israel and the expulsion of Christians, describing followers of the religion as "blood-sucking vampires".

  • Jewish Extremists’ Attacks Rattle Christians in Holy Land

    Assaults on churches by right-wing Jews, a new phenomenon, raise concern about movement’s increasingly aggressive tactics.

  • Pope Calls for Israel-Palestinian Peace in Christmas Eve Mass

    'Tensions and violence persist' in land where Jesus walked, says Pope Francis in speech calling for peace around the world.

  • President Rivlin hosts Christian community leaders

    President Rivlin: We all have a duty, at the beginning of the New Year, and every day, to stand together, and show the world that the conflict in this region is not a war about religion, it is a war against hate.

  • Turkey-Israel dialogue works 'miracle' for Istanbul’s Jews

    Turkey’s Jews marked a milestone Dec. 13 with a public celebration of the Hanukkah holiday, said to be the first in the republic's history after decades of Hanukkahs marked behind closed doors in synagogues or homes. Members

  • Why Israeli Russians insist on celebrating Novy God

    On Dec. 31, thousands of families in Israel who immigrated from the former Soviet Union celebrated Novy God (Russian for New Year’s) — a secular, civic Russian holiday that marks the start of the new year. The first toast of the night includes a traditional Russian blessing that is followed by the main event, a festive dinner that includes zakuska, an offering of caviar, seafood, various Eastern European

  • Border Crossing and Symbiotic Relationships between Christians in Jerusalem


    Based on ethnographic work carried out in Jerusalem's Old City over a period of fifteen months, this article outlines the historical background necessary to understand the development of the diversity of Christianity in Jerusalem.

  • Holy Land Coordination: “We have come to the Holy Land for the forgotten and refugees”

    The Holy Land Coordination Bishops held a press conference at the Our lady of Peace Center on January 11th, attended by bishops from the United States of America, Canada, European countries, and South Africa. The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem said that this annual pilgrimage to the Holy Land is aimed at familiarizing bishops with the latest situation on the ground amongst other things.

  • At the Jordan River, rebirth in water and Spirit

    On Sunday, January 10, the Franciscans of the Custody went to Jericho to commemorate Christ's baptism. The Franciscans, led by the Custos, Br. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, as well as pilgrims, first made their way to the small Latin parish of the Good Shepherd. There, the Custos was welcomed by local authorities and various representatives of the Spanish, Italian, French and Belgian consulates.

  • Coordination of Bishops’ Conferences concludes visit to Holy Land, issues statement

    The Holy Land Coordination Bishops have concluded their visit to the Holy Land which took place during the period January 9-14, 2016. At the conclusion of the visit, they issued a statement which stressed that "With a promise of active solidarity, we make our own the prayer of Pope Francis in Laudato Si: 'O God of the poor, help us rescue the abandoned and forgotten of this Earth, so precious in Your eyes'.”

  • Two Israeli teens arrested for Jerusalem Dormition Abbey compound vandalism

    Police arrested a 16-year-old Israeli boy overnight Tuesday and a second suspect, 15, on Wednesday for allegedly daubing anti-Christian graffiti on a wall of the capital’s Dormition Abbey.

  • Christian holy site in Jerusalem vandalised

    A landmark Christian holy site in Jerusalem was vandalised with Hebrew graffiti in what appears to be the latest attack by "extremist" Jews.

  • Jewish and Muslim Sisters Are Doin' Coexistence for Themselves

    Sisterhood of Salaam-Shalom conference attracts record crowd of women from two faiths working to build bridges, but Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains ‘elephant in the room.’

  • It’s All About Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade

    Jerusalem’s holy sites are being transformed from a religious symbol into a national symbol and a protected value. The current wave of violence sweeping Israel and Palestine in the last days wouldn’t have erupted if not for the current tensions around the Temple Mount (al-Haram al-Sharif).

  • Vandals destroy crosses at Israeli Christian cemetery

    Dozens of crosses destroyed at the Catholic monastery of Beit Jamal near Beit Shemesh; a spate of hate crimes has targeted churches and cemeteries in recent years.

  • Giving a voice to Christians in the Holy Land

    Interview with Msgr. Michel Dubost, Bishop of Evry Corbeil-Essonnes, member of the Bishops of the Holy Land Coordination, President of the Council for Interreligious Relations of the French Bishops’ Conference and member of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.

  • Israeli land grab threatens Palestinian church

    RAMALLAH, West Bank — Israel is continuing to annex Christian church endowments in Palestine, both covertly and blatantly. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon recently approved the annexation of the Beit al-Baraka church compound to the Gush Etzion settlements established on Palestinian territories south of the West Bank, according to a Jan. 6 Haaretz report.

  • A group of Jews visits Beit Gemal in sign of solidarity

    Beit Gemal: Last December, vandals – not yet identified – destroyed several tombs in the cemetery of Beit Gemal. On January 22, 2016, a group of Jews came to express their sadness and solidarity following the vandalism.

  • Three Jewish teens charged over graffiti at Jerusalem church

    Israeli prosecutors pressed charges on Sunday against three Jewish teenagers for allegedly scrawling anti-Christian graffiti on some of Christianity’s holiest sites in Jerusalem, the justice ministry said.

  • 'Historic' Israeli move to see women pray with men at Western Wall

    The Israeli cabinet on Sunday approved a plan to allocate an area at the Western Wall in Jerusalem for egalitarian Jewish prayer in a "historic" end to a decades-long dispute.

    The decision, based on a proposal by Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky, was welcomed by liberal Jewish movements but condemned by ultra-Orthodox leaders whose cabinet representatives voted against it.

  • Palestinian Authority objects to Israel's Western Wall plans

    The Palestinian Authority will not permit Israel to change the entrance to the Temple Mount in order to facilitate the building of an egalitarian prayer area near the Western Wall, PA Religious Affairs Minister Mahmoud Habbash told The Jerusalem Post in Ramallah on Thursday morning.

  • Israeli Supreme Court dismisses latest petitions in the Cremisan case

    The Supreme Court of Israel dismissed the latest petitions in the Cremisan case, submitted by the Salesian Sisters Convent, represented by the Society of St. Yves – Catholic Center for Human Rights, and the Beit Jala Municipality and landowners, represented by advocate Ghayyath Nasser.

  • Jerusalem Awqaf condemns Israeli violations at Umayyad Palaces

    AMMAN — Jerusalem Awqaf Department Director Azzam Khatib Tamimi has condemned Israel’s violations against the Umayyad Palaces area to the south and southwest of Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported on Thursday.

  • There's no alternative: help Israel and Palestine seek peace, archbishop tells UN

    Peace was the focus of the Holy See's representative in a recent speech to the United Nations, where he renewed calls to support negotiations between Israel and Palestine and between the warring factions in Syria.

  • Attacking churches in Palestine: An Israeli policy since 1948

    Israeli documents have revealed that the Israeli army deliberately adopted a policy based on the destruction, vandalism and harm of the sanctity of churches in Palestine, during and after the 1948 war. An Israeli book, which will be published next month, explains how the Israeli army carried out seizure and destruction operations against churches located in the Palestinian cities, towns and villages the army took control off after expelling their people.

  • Jordan urges end to Israeli meddling in Umayyad Palaces

    AMMAN — Jordan on Saturday reiterated its denunciation of Israel's continued violations against the Umayyad Palaces, southwest of Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif. 

  • Jerusalem: The missing Muslim historical narrative

    A dark archway and an old uninspiring plastic plaque are all that mark the entrance to the residence and mosque of Salahuddin Ayyubi, the iconic 12th century Muslim general who retook Jerusalem during the Crusades, then went on to rule the city.

  • Tent that served as synagogue burned in West Bank

    Suspected arsonists in the West Bank have burned a tent that served as a synagogue dedicated to three Israeli teenagers killed by Palestinians, provoking an angry reaction from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.